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Welcome to my site!

My mission is to spread Love and Light in the world. For years I have been seeing hearts everywhere and I incorporate hearts in my “Heart Art”.

I am fascinated by textures . When I place textures not normally found near each other I see and feel with a different perspective. I gather these textures from around my home and yard and place them while inspired by my dream images or those that appear in my automatic writings with Spirits Above. I love when people send me their impressions. I learn so much from the different ways people receive the same image. I feel supported and connected with these communications.

My intention is that when you purchase my heart art you experience the power of heart energy through the art to support you and all around the art in all ways!



“Jody’s artwork is imaginative and heart-warming, bringing light and love to the world.”

- Jingqui G.

“Awe. Jody I’m glad your art rings Joy. The world needs such love.” 

- Alicia D

"I would like to share my deep appreciation for the daily “heart images” I have received from Jody Cassell since she had first learned of my life partner’s passing. Each creation (image) is totally unique which evoke a different emotion, memory or thought each day. I have come to think of Jody’s artistic images as my “Daily Reflections.”

Jody’s creativity is clearly beyond limit in her art as well as her improvisational movement performances and the spirited life she leads. I am eternally grateful for her “hearts” that are an inspiring part of my journey in discovering and rediscovering who I am.

In love and gratitude,

- Gary McGraime

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Jody Cassell with Love & Light

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